
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why Aliens are making CROP CIRCLES on the earth

Alian Formed Their Image & coded their binary Message which is>>

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there.We Oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)"

1. What are Crop Circles ?

Every year 150 to 300 patterns of flattened plants appear in crop fields around the world. They have been reported on every continent, in over 50 countries, but the majority have appeared in southern England. Since the early 1990s, the original simple circles have developed into huge, intricate, geometrical patterns of stunning precision and beauty. Most appear in wheat, barley and oil-seed rape, but they have also been reported in rye, oats, flax, maize, sugar cane, peas, potatoes, sunflowers, grass, fruit orchards, rice paddies, snow, and ice.
    Over the years, crop formations have been attributed to a variety of mundane causes: drunks armed with string and planks, wild young farmers, disillusioned art students, out-of-work journalists, overapplication of fertilizer, interference from mobile phones, squabbling birds, geometrically-gifted cows, and sex-mad hedgehogs. Although the general public, mass media and scientific establishment tend to dismiss the entire phenomenon as the work of human pranksters, there is strong evidence that an unexplained force and guiding intelligence are at work.Crop Circles are geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in crop fields. The crop is not cut, but is usually laid flat and most often swirled into an attractive floor pattern. 

2. When and where they appear ?
Although it might seem obvious, crop circle occur only during the crop growing season. In the UK the first circles can start to occur in April and May, reaching their height in late July and August. Crop circles do in fact occur all over the world in many countries and obviously they similarly follow growing seasons in that particular part of the world.
In the UK most circles occur in the county of Wiltshire, although circles do happen (in lesser numbers) countrywide. In the early season (April/May) numbers are few but this gradually builds up as the summer moves on, at the height of the season (Late July/August) several circles can appear on one night. The season ends with the harvest - and the slate is wiped clean for another year.
The crop circles do seem to have an affinity for ancient sites. Many circles appear close to stone circles, barrows, earthworks and other landmarks. Stonehenge and Avebury have played host to many crop circles over the years.
The Crop Circles usually appear overnight, in the few short hours of darkness in the summer months. Most are completely perfect at first-light with no flaws in their designs!

3. How large are the crop circles ?
Crop Circles can range in size from only a few feet across to several hundred feet in diameter. Sometimes larger designs are accompanied by a smattering of tiny circles (some barely a foot in diameter) these are referred to as 'grapeshot' or 'satellite' circles. One of the largest designs recorded appeared at Milk Hill, in Wilt shire, it measured over 900ft in diameter and the design was made from 409 circles all arranged in a circular spiral. The 409 circles circles in the formation ranged in size from 70ft down to about a foot in diameter! However, all this said, the average size for a crop circle is around 200-300ft in diameter - still no small feet!

4. How long has this been going on ?
There is an ongoing debate between researchers as to the longevity of the phenomenon. Essentially two camps exist within the debate; those who believe that the crop circle phenomenon is a relatively modern occurrence beginning in the mid 1970's and those who believe that there are reports going back to the beginning of the century and even earlier. The first circle photographed (documented) in the UK was in 1976, however many farmers report circles in their fields going back considerably further than this date. There is a woodcut dating back to the 1600's known as the 'Mowing Devil' which seems to show some kind of circular pattern in a crop field, however opinion is divided as to whether this can be directly linked to the crop circles or not.

5. What makes crop circles and what do they mean ?
There are many theories about who or what makes the crop circles. Whirl-winds, earth energies, extraterrestrials and human hoaxers to name but a few. What makes the crop circle subject so fascinating is that anyone and everyone can take part in the search for answers. There has been some very interesting scientific work carried out on the crop and soils from the circles which should be investigated by all those with an interest in the phenomenon. Much the same goes for the ultimate meaning behind the designs, there has been some fascinating research into the geometry and mathematics of the crop circle designs and shapes, which suggest that the designs are not arbitrary or meaningless, but quite the opposite. People have connected the circles to subjects as diverse as star constellations and quantum physics to alchemy and spirituality. Some of the most fascinating research is concerned with shape and vibration (Schematics) and the collective unconscious.

6. On July 26th 1990, someone filmed a ball of light close to two crop circles near to Milk Hill in Wilt shire. This was the first time that a ball of light had been filmed close to crop circles.

The ball of light came into view and dropped into the crop. At the time it was thought it might be a bird or a balloon, or something else mundane. But it became clear after a while that it was something more bizarre! The light moved through the crop flashing and glinting (like sunlight reflecting off of tin foil) The light at times was very intense! Eventually the light took off and flew towards a tractor driver in the distance. As the ball of light flew over the tractor, the tractor stopped. Eventually the ball of light went off into the distance.
The tractor driver was interviewed about five months after the incident, and he said he remembered that day, and the ball of light which he saw fly over him. He said that it was as big as a beach ball and was glinting and flashing! He said that he does remember that the engine stopped as the light went over the tractor. At the time of the incident he did hot know that someone was filming from  vantage point on Milk Hill.
When he informed his boss at the farm, and his friends of what he saw , he was not taken seriously and was laughed at. When the film of the event was put out to the public, it confirmed that he had indeed seen something that was very strange indeed.
Since that day many people have filmed similar objects in and around crop circles. What these objects are is still unknown. They seem to move with propose, and seem to have some kind of intelligence. Some people believe that they are connected to the creation of the crop circles.
It is clear there is a connection, but what it is seems unclear. If these balls of light do not make crop circles, then they do seem attracted to them for whatever reason.
This piece of historic film is shown publicly for for the first time on YouTube.

7. A UFO filmed forming crop circles.